Why Do Polanareff and Diavolo Have Beef
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's (JJBA) fifth part, Golden Wind, involves some of the most strategic and tactical fights in the JJBA continuity. Heroes and villains alike constantly maneuver each other into just the right position so their enemies fall prey to a Stand-affected bullet, shadow, or reflection.
However, the strategies and tactics of protagonist Giorno Giovanna and his allies are not always the sole reason they win (or even survive) their battles. In Golden Wind, as in every part of JJBA, the blessing of "fate" is a reward for heroic conviction. Sometimes, luck gives the heroes just enough of an edge to save the day.
10 Mista's Final Bullet Splits in Two

Mista's Stand, Sex Pistols, lays down some of the heaviest long-range damage in JJBA. Unfortunately, Mista's potential is at the command of his reckless temper and superstitious fear of the number four. However, occasionally, this superstition sometimes plays in Mista's favor.
In his fight against Sale's Kraft Work, Mista frantically discharges three of four bullets, leaving him overjoyed when one remains. He shoots this confidently at Sale, who easily blocks it. However, the bullet splits in two, and the unblocked half pushes a previous bullet into Sale's brain, winning Mista the fight.
9 Ghiaccio Blindly Impales Himself

Mista's approach to most battles is simply to shoot bullets at the enemy until they die. He takes this strategy against Ghiacco, despite the gangster being almost completely protected by his Stand, White Album. Not only do most of Mista's bullets fail to penetrate White Album, but ricochet back to hit Mista.
However, Mista blinds the enemy with blood, then fires enough bullets that Ghiaccio is forced to stumble backward. The enemy impales himself on a metal pole, allowing Giorno to kill him. That Sex Pistols seem surprised at the nearby pole points toward this being a lucky coincidence rather than a deliberate strategy by Mista.
8 Spice Girl Awakens at the Perfect Moment

Trish's Stand, Spice Girl, is one of the most underutilized in Golden Wind. Its ability to soften objects, turning hard, brittle materials tough and elastic, only plays a pivotal role while fighting Carne's Stand, Notorious B.I.G. The Stand manifests when Carne dies, then attacks the plane Trish and her allies had just boarded.
Notorious B.I.G. can consume living creatures, tear apart objects and match the speed of the fast enemies attacking it. This set of abilities overwhelms Trish's allies, but her own Spice Girl awakens at that moment. Its power to soften objects makes them immune to Notorious B.I.G.'s attacks and allows the heroes to escape with their lives.
7 Bucciarati Delivers Trish to Diavolo

Nearly all of Golden Wind's heroes belong to Passione, a mafia organization filled with Stand users. Bucciarati, a newly made lieutenant, is charged with bringing Diavolo his daughter, Trish. He intends to kill Trish so that no one will live who can be linked to his identity.
However, Bucciarati is a righteous man who desires to defeat Diavolo and redeem Passione. He saves both his own life and Trish's using the unique powers of Sticky Fingers. Had any other lieutenant undertaken this task, they would surely have left Trish to her death or failed miserably to stop Diavolo.
6 Bucciarati Investigates Luca's Murder

Before his assignment to bring Trish to Diavolo, Bucciarati is told to investigate the death of Leaky-eye Luca, a low-ranking Passione member. Luca accidentally killed himself after antagonizing Giorno, and Bucciarati confronts Giorno under the assumption Giorno murdered the man.
Giorno and Bucciarati fight, but their combat breaks off when Bucciarati realizes Giorno has consideration for the surrounding civilians. The two realize they share a hatred for those who sell drugs to children, and Bucciarati invites Giorno to work for him on his mission to reform Passione. Had a more typical Passione member attacked Giorno, the protagonist would have inevitably died.
5 Polnareff Survives Hurtling From a Cliff

BeforeGolden Wind's events, Polnareff and Jotaro investigate the current locations of certain Stand-granting arrows. During this investigation, Polnareff travels to Italy and realizes Passione's perfect involvement in every form of crime and corruption in Italy.
Polnareff tries to contact Jotaro to ask for backup against Passione, but Diavolo's henchmen cut off every line of communication, isolating Polnareff from the outside world. Diavolo himself severely wounds Polnareff and hurls him off a cliff, but neglects to ensure his enemy's Death. Polnareff's lucky survival and years of careful planning are crucial to Diavolo's eventual downfall.
4 Malone Leaves Giorno to Die Slowly

Giorno's Stand, Gold Experience, is one of the most powerful Stands in Golden Wind. In fact, JJBA author Hirohiko Araki seems to forget some of Gold Experience's earliest-shown powers in order to tone down the Stand's effectiveness later in the series. Gold Experience's versatile ability to turn objects into creatures is key to the heroes surviving several deadly scenarios.
However, the Stand's abilities cannot protect Giorno from the terrifying power of Melone's Stand, Baby Face. This enemy can break living creatures down into cubes of meat, and uses this power to bring Giorno to death's door. However, the sadistic Malone makes the fatal error of leaving Giorno to die slowly, giving the hero enough time to recuperate.
3 Giorno Learns to Heal From Baby Face

Golden Wind's heroes and villains adapt quickly to new dangers and opportunities, seizing whatever means possible to achieve victory. However, Giorno, as is typical for a JJBA protagonist, receives more than his fair share of lucky moments.
Giorno begins Golden Wind with the power to turn objects into living creatures. After fighting Malone's Baby Face, however, Giorno adapts the enemy Stand's bizarre ability to remove cubes of meat from living creatures into the ability to change objects into human body parts. Because of his luck in fighting this enemy, Giorno gains a healing ability that constantly saves his allies' lives.
2 Bucciarati Destroys Chariot Requiem

Near Golden Wind's climax, Diavolo has adapted to the world-shattering powers of Chariot Requiem and is only moments away from achieving the requiem form of his own Stand, King Crimson. The heroes watch in horror as King Crimson picks up the Stand arrowhead and pierces its own hand.
However, Bucciarati then figures out how to use his Stand, Sticky Fingers, to destroy Chariot Requiem and end the soul-swapping curse under which Chariot Requiem had placed the world. King Crimson is momentarily rendered incorporeal, and the arrowhead falls through its fingers. Had Bucciarati made this realization only moments later, Diavolo would have become unstoppable.
1 Gold Experience Requiem Awakens

Even without achieving requiem, Diavolo's King Crimson is one of the most powerful Stands in JJBA history. Fans hotly debate the rules governing its "time-skipping" power. However King Crimson works, its ability to avoid most attacks leveled against it reigns supreme.
However, when Gold Experience's hand is pierced by the Stand arrowhead, it gains the form of Gold Experience Requiem (GER). When Diavolo lands a killing blow on Giorno, GER nullifies the entire action and alters causality so that Diavolo never attacked. That Giorno awakened the perfect Stand to counter King Crimson, one far surpassing Chariot Requiem in this regard, is the luckiest moment in Golden Wind.
Source: https://www.cbr.com/golden-wind-lucky-luckiest-moments-jojos/
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