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With Mthfr Mutation When You Start Methylating Again Will You Also Start Detoxing

Each of us has a unique genetic makeup, which is the 'lawmaking' that makes you lot, well, you. Included in those differences may be certain defects, variations or mutations. Not to worry, though — everyone has them! The MTHFR factor mutation is a common 1.

Recently in functional medicine and increasingly in mainstream medicine, a tremendous amount of research has surfaced regarding the MTHFR gene mutation and MTHFR support. The mutation links to a decreased power to detoxify, besides as over 60 chronic health weather including Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism, blood clots, infertility, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, depression, nativity defects, and certain cancers.

Fortunately, anyone with the MTHFR gene mutation tin observe MTHFR support and detoxification pathways with Methylation Support® and obtain the nutrients necessary for optimal detoxification.

Our Genes, Including MTHFR Mutations, Are Non Our Destiny

In addition to supplementing with Methylation Support®, we can work with our bodies to ensure the MTHFR factor mutation does non negatively impact our health. We used to call up that our genes were static and there was nada we could do nigh them — nosotros at present know that'south not truthful! An emerging science called epigenetics shows us that genes tin be both turned on and turned off.

In fact, studies using identical twins with autoimmunity showed the risk of getting an autoimmune affliction is only 25% dependent on genetics and 75% dependent on environmental factors. Your genes are not your destiny. There are simple steps you tin take to assistance overcome this factor mutation and minimize its effects.

3 Steps to Identifying and Overcoming MTHFR Mutations

I believe there are three steps to identifying and overcoming MTHFR mutations.

  1. Educate yourself on what the MTHFR gene mutation is and its potential impact on your health. We'll be covering that in this article.
  2. Become a MTHFR mutation test.
  3. Piece of work to prevent the development of health conditions associated with MTHFR mutations.

Let'due south get started!

What is MTHFR?

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), is an enzyme that works equally a catalyst for important biochemical reactions in your trunk. Information technology converts vitamin B9 (folate) into methyl-folate which is essential for a process chosen methylation.

Every unmarried cell and tissue in your body experiences methylation.

Methylation protects your body by repairing damaged cells and optimizing Dna jail cell function. It also processes toxins and hormones, metabolizes B vitamins, and regulates neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine control mood, behavior, sleep, and your overall mental health.

What Does MTHFR Produce?

One of the most of import tasks methylation performs is turning homocysteine into methionine. Methionine builds proteins, repairs cells, detoxifies, supports your inflammatory response, and helps your liver procedure fats.

Well-nigh importantly, methionine produces glutathione, your body's about potent detoxifier. Research shows that those with autoimmunity and cancer have lower levels of glutathione compared to people without those atmospheric condition. This data indicates that they may have a genetic mutation associated with the MTHFR factor.

Additionally, methionine is broken down by your liver into an inflammation-fighting agent called SAM-east (s-adenosylmethionine). SAM-e helps break down neurotransmitters and assists with the repairing of cells.

What is the MTHFR Gene and the MTHFR Mutation?

The MTHFR gene (non to be dislocated with the MTHFR enzyme) is ane of the 20,000 genes in the man trunk. It is a 'master instruction sail' for the production of the MTHFR enzyme.

However, genetic mutations or variations often occur in the MTHFR cistron. These are referred to as SNPs (pronounced 'snips'), which is short for single nucleotide polymorphisms. Each SNP represents one difference in a "building block" of DNA. Some SNPs have no effect on your health, serving equally biological markers that occur most in one case in every 300 nucleotides. They help usa locate genes associated with disease, and sometimes play a more than pregnant office by directly affecting a gene's function.

SNP Mutations in MTHFR

The MTHFR SNP is common — approximately 50% of the The states population carries at to the lowest degree one SNP. Ii MTHFR genes commonly studied are C677T and A1298C (these labels point the mutation's appearance and location on the gene). At each of these genes, yous can take none (wild blazon), ane (heterozygous), or two (homozygous) mutations.

The more than MTHFR cistron mutations y'all have, the less the MTHFR enzyme is able to do its job effectively. When your ability to methylate is decreased in that location is a greater potential for the mutation to affect your wellness.

SNP Mutations In MTHFR – Infographics – Amy Myers Md® SNP Mutations In MTHFR - Infographics - Amy Myers MD® SNP Mutations In MTHFR – Infographics – Amy Myers Dr.®

I am homozygous (two MTHFR Gene mutations) at C677T, so I've done a lot of enquiry on this topic. Ane of the best and virtually important ways to support your health if you have one or more MTHFR mutations is to supplement daily with Methylation Support®. This supplement contains the three co-factors needed for methylation, in their pre-methylated or active forms.

The MTHFR Mutation, Autoimmune, and Thyroid Connection

Equally I take mentioned, the more than MTHFR factor mutations you have, the less effectively the MTHFR enzyme can do its job. This enzyme is crucial for your body to methylate properly. When it does not, you lot're at risk for developing a number of diseases including autoimmunity and thyroid dysfunction.

After working with thousands of patients in my clinic, I was able to see a lot of trends as to the root causes of autoimmunity, thyroid dysfunction, and other chronic illnesses. The methylation process helps you detoxify heavy metals, and when at that place are MTHFR mutations, a person cannot detoxify their body effectively. Heavy metals can then lie at the root of their autoimmunity or other chronic conditions. For that reason, taming the toxins is the third pillar of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Plan.

Autoimmune patients with high mercury levels, particularly those with Hashimoto'southward, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis, usually accept at to the lowest degree one MTHFR mutation. In Hashimoto'due south patients, the result is compounded considering an underactive thyroid already negatively impacts your ability to methylate.

If you lot accept an autoimmune condition, particularly Hashimoto's, Graves', or thyroid dysfunction, it'southward of import to understand your MTHFR gene mutation status. I recommend getting tested for heavy metals and working with a functional medicine physician to safely remove or chelate these metals from your system.

How Does Detox Happen with an MTHFR Mutation?

In my clinic, when my patients and I uncovered 1 or more MTHFR mutations, I used a hypothetical example to demonstrate the impact these mutations have on the detoxification process. Yous tin learn more than about mercury overload in this article.

Agreement MTHFR Mutations – Infographic – Amy Myers Doctor® Understanding MTHFR Mutations - Infographic - Amy Myers MD® Understanding MTHFR Mutations – Infographic – Amy Myers Physician®

Permit's say y'all eat a slice of tuna fish and it contains ten parts of mercury. If y'all accept no mutations at MTHFR, you will excrete all ten parts of mercury at 100%, assuming your detox pathways are optimal.

If you have ane MTHFR C677T mutation then your ability to detoxify the mercury is decreased by 50%. This means you can only detoxify v parts of mercury and you store the other five parts. If you have two MTHFR gene mutations, like I do, at C677T, your ability to detoxify the mercury is decreased by a whopping 90%.

So you keep nine parts of mercury and articulate merely 1 role of mercury every time y'all eat a tuna fish sandwich. This does non account for daily exposures to mercury through water, air, and other sources that you cannot control.

Yous accept a tremendous amount of control every bit to how your genes are expressed.

At my clinic, I saw less than ten patients who had no MTHFR mutations — these people can detoxify well. Most patients had at to the lowest degree ane if not two mutations at MTHFR. Just once did I come across a patient with three mutations at MTHFR — ane at C677T and ii at A1298C.

Although your genetic code cannot be rewritten, you do accept a tremendous amount of control every bit to how your genes are expressed. Your diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in how your genes affect your wellness.

How to Support Optimal Methylation and Detoxification if You Have an MTHFR Mutation

Your MTHFR support detox protocol is extremely important. It'south why I accept Methylation Support® daily, and I volition continue to practise so for the rest of my life. I recommend that those with MTHFR mutations symtoms do so as well. When you support your methylation and detox pathways past following a MTHFR detoc protocol, you can support your MTHFR mutation and overcome the hurdles of MTHFR mutation symptoms!

I designed Methylation Support® for the sixty% of US adults, and many others internationally, who have one or more MTHFR gene variants impairing their body's critical methylation process. Nigh every unmarried patient battling chronic health challenges has at least one MTHFR mutation. Methylation Back up® is the perfect alloy of the nutrients your body needs to engage in optimal methylation for your MTHFR detox protocol. I custom selected these nutrients in their most bioavailable forms to support your body'due south natural methylation and detoxification efforts.

Who Should Test for MTHFR Mutations?

I firmly believe that is knowledge is ability, and understanding your MTHFR mutation examination status is an empowering tool to take back your health and eliminate MTHFR mutation symptoms!

I strongly recommend that everyone, particularly women of childbearing age, gets a MTHFR mutation test. MTHFR gene mutations have been found in medically reviewed studies to increase the run a risk factor of miscarriage and birth defects, including spina bifida. Information technology is as of import if you have a history of Hashimoto'south, Graves', or any other autoimmune disease, as MTHFR contributes to those conditions equally well.

Additionally, I encourage those who have newborns or young children to pursue a MTHFR mutation test. Determining which vaccines your kid receives and when they receive them is a personal choice. Knowing your child'southward MTHFR gene mutation condition, and how the vaccines may impact their wellness through an adverse consequence if they have an MTHFR mutation, is an of import role of the decision. As a female parent, getting an MTHFR mutation examination for my daughter, Elle, was high on my priority list.

This theoretical illustration of how MTHFR mutations affect your ability to detoxify demonstrates why information technology is so important for you to know your MTHFR status.

What Tests for MTHFR Mutations Are Available?

Lab testing to bank check for MTHFR mutations used to exist costly, and required a prescription and a blood sample. However, genetic testing is now much more affordable, accessible, and convenient. In that location are a variety of companies that now examination for MTHFR mutations. Here are ii companies that I and my patients used.


There is a examination from 23andMe which can be ordered online that many of the patients from my dispensary used. 23andMe is a genetics home reference pick that does not require a md's prescription, and it tests for hundreds of SNPs including MTHFR gene mutations.

Unfortunately, 23andMe results come in a raw data format. This means you lot need another tool or service to go a readout of your MTHFR factor mutation status and the other SNPs they examination for.


I discovered a company called dnalife® that offers genetic SNP testing with simply a mouth swab instead of saliva samples. This is much easier for babies and it's what I used for my girl, Elle. The test checks for fewer SNPs than 23andme nonetheless does include MTHFR.  It delivers all of the data in a format that y'all or your md tin can easily interpret. This selection usually requires a functional medicine doc to order it for you.

As a favor to me, dnalife® agreed to let you order your own MTHFR examination without a doc'due south prescription. If you want boosted SNPs, you need to ask your functional medicine doctor to order those for y'all.

Claret Test for MTHFR

You, of class, tin always ask your chief care medico to social club an MTHFR gene mutation  claret test for you lot. However, most insurance companies do not cover this and may leave you with an $800-$1,000 bill.

A less expensive option than MTHFR that is typically covered by insurance is a homocysteine level test that your md performs for you. This option is less definitive, so the results are not every bit comprehensive.

Homocysteine Levels Can Indicate MTHFR Mutations

Equally I mentioned before, the methylation procedure converts homocysteine into methionine. With one or more MTHFR mutations and a reduced power to methylate, your trunk won't be able to catechumen as much of it. This means with an MTHFR mutation, yous typically have high levels of homocysteine in your claret. High homocysteine is an indication of undermethylation, and depression homocysteine can indicate either over or undermethylation.

An optimal homocysteine level is half dozen-9 umol/L. If someone's homocysteine level is elevated higher up x umol/Fifty, at that place is ane MTHFR mutation.

High homocysteine levels can negatively impact mental wellness and mood. It is linked to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, an inability to detoxify, and claret vessel harm.

If it is as high as xviii umol/50, at that place are probable two MTHFR mutations. On the flip side of that, too depression of a homocysteine level such equally ii or 4 umol/L can indicate that you are not methylating or y'all are over methylating. Both undermethylation and over methylation are problematic.

half-dozen Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations – Infographics – Amy Myers MD® 6 Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations - Infographics - Amy Myers MD® https://world wide 6 Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations – Infographics – Amy Myers MD®

6 Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations

Then you've discovered you lot accept i or more MTHFR mutations, and you might be feeling equally though your genes control your destiny. I become it, trust me, I do. I have two MTHFR mutations at C677T, and my power to methylate based on my genes cut down to 10%. It's likely one of the reasons I developed Graves' affliction. The truth is that by following the same simple steps I used, you too tin can work around your genes and get your body methylating in an optimal range.

1. Supplement with Pre-Methylated B Vitamins

MTHFR mutations reduce your ability to methylate, then i of the best things you can do is supplement with the 3 main vitamins needed for methylation: folate in its pre-methylated grade (5MTHF), B6 in its active form, and B12 in its agile form. You can learn more nigh the importance of the B2 vitamin in this article.

I take a supplement called Methylation Back up® every solar day. It contains all three of those essential B vitamins. I recommended this supplement to all of my patients with MTHFR mutations.

Pre-methylated and active forms of the B vitamins increase folate levels and decrease homocysteine levels.

If you have ane or more MTHFR mutations I recommend supplementing with Methylation Support® daily.

I strongly recommend supplementing with Methylation Support® if you have been prescribed methotrexate as part of your treatment for autoimmunity because methotrexate blocks folate pathways. If you accept two MTHFR mutations, even with a supplement to back up methylation, you lot may want to consider a different medication. My half-dozen-week Autoimmune Solution Programme volition besides help yous address the underlying causes of your condition and can help you transition off of harsh medications altogether.

2. Avoid Folic Acid (Synthetic B Vitamins)

Equally a reminder, merely increasing your folic acid volition not help balance out an MTHFR mutation considering your body is not able to catechumen the folic acrid. Taking folic acid, which is synthetic and can exist found in fortified and processed foods, is harmful because it can stay in your body unconverted. The unconverted folic acid attaches itself to the same receptors used to absorb folate, and "clogs them up" so to speak.

3. Eat Foods Rich in B Vitamins

To help mitigate the effect of MTHFR mutation symptoms, get enough of B vitamins naturally through your nutrition. The highest folate-rich foods include asparagus, romaine lettuce, broccoli, avocado, and nighttime, leafy greens such equally spinach and kale. Foods loftier in B6 include poultry, seafood, bananas, and leafy green vegetables. Add more vitamin B12 to your nutrition with fish, poultry, and meat.

However, if yous have two MTHFR mutations like I exercise, diet lonely may not become you enough B vitamins to methylate optimally, and y'all may want to consider supplementing with Methylation Support®.

4. Reduce Your Toxic Burden

Everyone should try to reduce their toxic burden. Nevertheless, because MTHFR gene mutations reduce your ability to detoxify heavy metals, it's especially of import to minimize your exposure to toxins if you have 1 or more than MTHFR gene mutations. Here are steps you can take to limit your exposure to heavy metals:

Filter your air

Mercury can be in the air near coal-burning plants. Avoid breathing it in by using a HEPA filter in your home and office.

Filter your h2o

Due to pollution and runoff, mercury can be found in our water supply. To protect your water I recommend installing h2o filters on all of your taps and showerheads. Your peel absorbs chemicals too!

Remove constructing fillings safely

Constructing fillings contain mercury and emit a mercury vapor that can leach into your bloodstream. For more than information on the risks of amalgam fillings and how to remove them safely, check out my podcast episode with the biological dentist, Stuart Nunnally.

Choose fish that are non high in mercury

The Environmental Defense Fund has a listing of fish that are typically high in mercury and should be avoided. There is also a preferred list of those that are low in mercury. You can learn more most reducing your toxic burden in this post, and in my books, The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection.

5. Affluent Out Toxins Safely

Those of us with MTHFR mutations should focus on supporting our detox pathways to flush toxins out safely.
Eat cruciferous vegetables

These vegetables, including arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens, are rich in antioxidants and act equally great MTHFR support for condom detoxification.

Excrete the toxins

Beverage plenty of water, optimize your digestion, and practise activities that assistance yous sweat, such as do or using an infrared sauna.

6. Balance Your MTHFR Mutation with Supplements

Add in Glutathione

Glutathione is a great methylation supplement. This is your body'due south virtually important detoxifier, and it plays a big role in reducing your chance of developing an autoimmune disease. Your ability to produce glutathione diminishes if you are not methylating properly. I have this methylation supplement every day and would recommend information technology to all of my patients with autoimmunity and MTHFR mutations.

Take a Liver Support Supplement

The methylation supplement I offering contains N-acetyl, L-cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, milk thistle, and selenium. This MTHFR supplement supports antioxidant activity and promotes a healthy allowed system. In improver, Liver Support helps your body's glutathione production.

Increase Your Magnesium

Magnesium is a great MTHFR supplement that supports the detoxification procedure through its major office in the production of energy as ATP. This methylation supplement provides cells with what they crave to pump out toxins earlier, during, and afterwards they accrue.

Don't forget the Methylation Support®

As I mentioned above, you lot want to be sure you're taking an MTHFR methylation supplement. This and glutathione are the ii accented go-to MTHFR vitamins and supplements that I take daily no matter what and what I recommend for everyone who has, or suspects they accept, an MTHFR cistron mutation.

Remember knowledge is ability, so knowing your MTHFR status and understanding what you tin do nearly it is a huge get-go step in taking control of your health! Fifty-fifty if life dealt you lot a certain genetic hand, remember you accept plenty of choices in how you play your cards!

Methylation Support® provides vitamins in their methylated forms to back up MTHFR, adrenal stress, and detoxification efforts.

FAQs about MTHFR gene mutation

What are the MTHFR gene mutation symptoms?

Symptoms of the MTHFR gene mutation include neural tube defects, sugar problems vein, and chronic fatigue and hurting.

What do you lot do if you accept the MTHFR cistron mutation?

If your MTHFR mutation test indicates that yous have the mutation, yous should take methylation supplements, follow a MTHFR detox protocol,

How practise you know if you accept the MTHFR gene mutation?

You lot should take a MTHFR mutation exam. You should also look out for MTHFR gene mutation symptoms including sugar bug vein, chronic pain and fatigue, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and some cancers.

Can the MTHFR factor mutation cause autoimmune disorders?

The MTHFR gene mutation tin can cause autoimmune disorders. Since the MTHFR cistron mutation causes the body to exist less able to methylate, it is hard for the body to detoxify. Toxins in the trunk tin pb to autoimmune disorders.


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